Why Every Business Website Needs a Blog and How to Get Started in Minutes
Businesses have blogged for a long time now, but the blogosphere is not stagnating. It has instead thrived and adapted to a much bigger landscape full of social media opportunities. But does every business need a blog?
Yes, every business website needs a blog, because blogging is the easiest way to communicate with your customers directly.
The blogosphere itself has changed quite a bit since we got our first glimpse decades ago. Blogs are no longer just places for people to rant about politics, music, or their favorite TV shows.
Savvy companies are writing about their products, in ways that entice prospects to keep coming back for more and, better still, to share your content with the world. Imagine people you don't even know, sharing your blog posts on their social media. This is fantastic, free advertising.
Customers can also comment on your blog posts and you can respond to those comments in real-time. Your comments provide even more detail about you and your products or services and provide another avenue for you to directly address any concerns that might drive them away from purchasing from or continuing to work with you.
Where do I begin?
If you have a WordPress site, it's easy, as WP is the most popular blogging platform in the world. If you're not using WordPress, no worries. You can easily start a blog with WordPress or many other platforms. Your website host may offer a blog feature (in many cases they're free). Just reach out to customer service and tell them you want to launch a blog.
What do I write?
This is where the fun begins. You have plenty to write about, even if you're not a writer. Imagine we're in an elevator, and I say, "What do you do?" Start with that conversation, and type it into your blog.
Then, keep going. Talk about your profession, your business, your products, your services. Just write, write, write. Then, write some more.
Consider the blog post you're reading now. Vision Brand Media is a digital marketing company. We help people with website development, Search Engine Optimization, social media, email marketing, and much more.
So, what do we do on our blog? You guessed it; we write about digital marketing, which helps people improve their websites. If they decide to work with us one day, all the better.
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels
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